Our platform was developed with a user friendly approach, even for Subcontractors.
Our prices are competitive, and will guarantee to save you time and money.
Our platform has proven its reliability across many projects.
Our platform has been developed for projects of any scale.
Our platform was developed with a user friendly approach, even for Subcontractors.
Customise your O&M File Structure or choose from preset templates.
Upload documents by Subcontractors.
Advanced workflow and review process.
Dashboard to track and maintain Subcontractor status.
Push notification emails to Subcontractors.
Export full combined manual in PDF format ready to print.
Export full Electronic Manual copy.
Compiling a detailed and systematic operations and maintenance (O&M) manual is critical in achieving a successful and timely handover in construction projects.
Traditional approaches to generating O&M manuals typically result in poor quality documents often due to a rushed / unconscientious approach in compiling required information, with the information provided often incomplete or missing crucial details that can cause downstream
lengthy and costly delays, with the potential for serious legal ramifications such as being liable for liquidated damages.
At Procom Solutions, we have developed an innovative, easy-to-use, affordable and streamlined platform to compile O&M manuals by adopting a proactive-centric approach to the development of O&M manuals.
From any of the file templates available, or from a customized format, Project Managers can set up the manual skeleton right from the onset of a project, with an interface that uses a simple workflow process to allow content to be progressively added, reviewed and approved, while meeting any contractual and/or owner requirements.
With unique features such as push notifications and status tracking, any gaps from delayed/lagging submissions are quickly identified and rectified. With our platform, each project will be completed with a high quality, professional, well-consolidated, and industry-compliant electronic O&M manual, with options to generate printable PDF O&Ms for projects requiring hard copy versions of the O&M manual. We’d love to help you achieve a hassle-free, reliable experience to give you confidence in your project journey, so contact us today for an obligation free quote or for pricing.
Let Procom handle your problems, contact us today!
Unit6/20 Rivergate Place, Murarrie
0419 425 669